Tuesday, May 14, 2024

12th of May 2024 - Malta

Today we went on what supposed to be a panoramic tour of Malta.  Most of the island is heavily built up though there was some countryside to the east of the island.

Our first stop was in Marsaxlokk which is Malta’s largest fishing village.  There was a fish market on the seafront. 

We then drove on to Dingli Cliffs which is the highest point on Malta. 

On the return journey we passed Mdina which used to be the former capital of Malta. 

The tour ended in Mosta with a visit to the Mosta Basilica which was followed by tasting of some local refreshments.

On our return we took some pictures of Valletta from the ship.

With hindsight I should have visited Valletta and Mdina rather than going on the countryside tour of Malta.

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